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  • Writer's picturetravelchick64

They're Off!

It has been crazy busy for weeks now so it's been hard to do updates.

The good mews is that Trust left on the flatbed on Sunday afternoon, August 13th!!!

Thank mew to EVERYONE who helped me make it happen from designing the cats and logo, helping me construct the rolling platform, CNC cutting the cat form, covering it in chicken wire and 3 layers of dry wall paper mache, washing rings (the least desirable job but sooooo important), cutting wires so I could tie rings to the cat form, welding, grinding, building a giant cardboard box, moving stuff and cats around the yard, donating to the online fundraiser and through the BBQ, building the pentagon podium, guiding me through planning solar, and putting all the electrical together and THEN taking it down, packing it up, putting it all on pallets and getting it on the truck.


Now I get to packing MY stuff!!

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